Canon Boot Camps Empower Filmmakers

The Association’s Canon Boot Camp from fletch murray on Vimeo.

The Association has been leading the way for Canon certification on the HDSLR 5D and 7D. Our Canon Camera Classes have been getting excellent reviews from students who need to learn how to use these incredible cameras fast.

Canon Camera Class Handbook
Our assumption is that those signing up for the classes lied their way on to a job, and they need to know by the next Monday how to professionally set up and use their camera. As a result, our Canon Camera Classes are super hands-on. We’ve even  created a special handbook called “Shooting Movies with the Canon HDSLR” to ensure participants are able to have all the fundamentals down.

We even test each participant at the end of the both levels to ensure they fully understand and can execute the skills we teach.

There was an exponential increase in the number of mainstream television shows and feature films utilizing Canon DSLRs in the past two years. Here’s a list of a few examples:

“True Blood”
“Memphis Beat”
Captain America
“House M.D.”
“The Tonight Show”
“Saturday Night Live”

Anyone interested in getting trained on the Canon DSLR 5D & 7D can find out all about our classes by visiting for the next event dates, or click on the links on the right of this blog for a specific upcoming class date.

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