Still Photographer Learns Canon DSLR Backwards and Forwards

Heidi Marie, Photographer and DP


Heidi Marie is a still photographer who desired to add film to her portfolio of abilities. So she came to The Association’s Canon DSLR 5D Boot Camp to learn the video portion of her Canon. Here’s what she had to say after the 2 day workshop was complete and she’d received her Canon certification from us.




Heidi Marie – “Know the camera backwards and forwards.” from The Association/Canon Boot Camp on Vimeo.

I came to the boot camp because I was pretty comfortable with my camera as a still camera, but I didn’t know how to translate it into filming. So I wanted to learn how to use what I knew to make movies. I feel really comfortable with it now. I went home and bragged to all my friends after the first day, and the second day of actually filming, I feel much more secure in promoting myself as a DP.

I would definitely recommend it to anybody. It starts at, like, nothing, assuming you know not even what a camera is, and by the end you know the camera backwards and forwards. So there’s no required skill level. Which I thought was impressive! But if you have some skill, it adds on to it. So it kinda suits all different levels. I would recommend it to anybody who is interested in using a canon.


Need a Los Angeles based still photographer or digital filmmaker as part of your effective marketing plan? Heidi’s local to Los Angeles and may be reached through her website. She’s spunky, full of energy and enthusiastic about everything, and will help bring life to your photographic or video project.

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