What’s in a voice? …..everything !

It baffles us to see companies with immense technological prowess and customer service choose a voice that is uncaring, cold, and distant.

The voice of a company defines the company’s persona.  The persona often determines whether the person wants to have a relationship with the company or not.

So to help our clients find a voice that will be an asset and not a liability, we audition at least 43 voice talents and rate them on a scale of fourteen characteristics of their voice.

We are located in Hollywood, which is the deepest talent pool on the planet.  Not just English but people from just about every country are here. 


Of course we’re not proposing using Hollywood movie stars. 

We have to be frugal in what we offer our clients. So we also check to see if the voice talent has good comprehension skills, i.e. can read quickly with perfect diction and retain all the other pleasant characteristics.  So, often our “Hollywood” quality voices are less expensive than the “staff” voices companies have on contract.  One minute they’re reading a grocery store ad and the next minute your company’s persona is in their hands.  Our production line is so streamlined after sixteen years of recording the best voices that we can outperform any voice recording service in error-free, sustainable voice systems.

Example One – Cadillac STS came to our client Alpine for voices for their executive tier vehicle.  We found the most delicious voices in French Canadian, Spanish and English you ever heard.  If a Cadillac could talk, this is how it would sound.  What a win that was.

If you’d like help finding a truly remarkable voice that conveys how professional and how committed your company is to quality and customer satisfaction, please give us a call.   We’ve got the voice for you.

Don’t hesitate to call my personal cell is 818 606-3538.  My voice isn’t pretty but the voices I find take you breath away.




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