Facebook is for Friends

Facebook is for Friends

Facebook is for Friends

In business, a lot of success is based on who you know, who you went to school with and who your friends are. That hasn’t really changed.

Facebook is a major force in the marketing and advertising world today. Will it remain so? We’ll just have to wait and see. In my opinion, it become such an incredible force because it caters to people’s diverse needs by singling out relevant information based on relationships, and customizing the experience based on the actual actions each user takes inside Facebook. As long as that trends continues, Facebook is here to stay.

Likewise the advertising platform it offers can be uniquely targeted towards specific ages, likes, gender, location, etc., more so than Google Adwords. This alone makes it worth including it in a company’s enterprise social media arsenal.

Facebook isn’t just another advertising and marketing tool. It’s relationship leveraging tool that leads into advertising and marketing through word of mouth. Confusing Facebook with magazine ads or tv-type advertising and marketing techniques will not be as effective as leveraging it for WOM Marketing.

As a side note, Facebook is a great market research data collection tool, since so much of the content and banter back and forth is visible. If nothing else, get on Facebook for the ability to do a surface-level consumer analysis.

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