Advanced Bootcamp: Canon Training 5D Level II

Canon DSLR 5D Boot Camp Attendee learns how to line up a shot
Are you thinking about shooting with the Canon 5D or 7D DSLR cameras?  Are you going to use it for 2nd unit photography, multi-cam, background plates or SPFX shots?

Using the Canon DSLR 5D can be a tricky thing. Even once you’ve mastered the basics there is still much more to learn. The Association has a great Boot Camp on how to use the camera. However, the students who took Level I The Boot Camp, were so enthusiastic about the hands-on experience with the Canon DSLR, that many wanted to go even further. Due to the high demand, The Association decided to put together a course to give as much specialized experience as possible, and make a Level II workshop.

Canon DSLR 5D mounted on a rig

The Association‘s Canon DSLR: Pro Level II Class is now available for those people that wish to extend their knowledge on how to use the DSLR. The Level II workshop will be going through the work flow from start-to-finish while applying what we learned in Pro Level 1. Individuals wil be put to the test as they shoot on location using a full range of gear and mounts.

The Level II Boot Camp helps to teach how to use rigs, monitors, special mounts, hand helds, dollies, as well as applying advanced cinematography techniques to get those perfect shots. Students will shoot interiors and exteriors while using a wide array of equipment as well as shooting parts of an action scene on set.

Snehal Patel adjusting settings on the Canon DSLR 5D
If you’ve taken the Level I Boot Camp workshop, you’ll be pleased to know that Snehal Patel, a veteran in the use of DSLR cameras as well as production and post-production, is running the Level II Boot Camp. He will talk you through diverse shooting situations. You will be required to film a portion of a short scene that will be created by the class.  The scene will involve handheld shots, dolly moves and car mounts. After the Boot Camp, we will edit and color correct the footage that the participants shoot, and create a reel.

For those looking for more hands on work that have mastered the basics, this is the workshop for you. This is a practical Boot Camp that has less talk and more walk. By the end of the workshop, each person will be competent and confident when they walk on a set, ready to use the DSLR.  If you haven’t taken the Level I workshop, you can look into that and work your way up so that you can master the DSLR.

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