The DVTec Shoulder Rig gets a Workout by Garrett Warren

The DVTec MultiRig gets a Workout by Garrett Warren from The Association/Canon Boot Camp on Vimeo.


Garrett does something not many of us would do with our beloved Canon HDSLR cameras.  He puts them in the middle of MMA fights, goes on high-speed car chases, drops them, crushes them and blows them up.

We had the pleasure of having one of Hollywood's most sought after Stunt Coordinators and 2nd Unit Director, the charismatic Garrett Warren, at our August 2012 Canon Boot Camp. He is definitely no stranger to filmmaking, but instead of opting for cameras such as the Epic, he came to our Canon camera classes to learn how to achieve a filmic look with Canon HDSLRs.

In his line of work, the lighter the camera, the better.  I don’t imagine myself leaping from building to building any time soon, but if I were to do so, I imagine I would prefer to have a lightweight Canon HDSLR to a RED under such circumstances. 

To make his job easier, Garrett was introduced to, and subsequently fell in love with the DV MultiRig. He wasted no time in strapping it on and taking it for a turbulent test drive, which you can witness in the video. The beauty of this rig is that it becomes an extension of the shooter’s body, which is probably why it was hard to get Garrett to let go of it! Luckily, our friends at EVS, who turned us to this remarkable rig, have it in stock, so we can stop fighting over it now. 


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