Thomson the Intern Gets Rigged

Our new intern, Thomson, helped us out at the November 8 screening event we recently held at the Canon Hollywood Professional Technology and Support Center. Here’s what he had to say about the rig we hooked him up to. The rig included a DVTec MultiRig, and a juiceLink riggy micro hooked to a mic.


Intern Thompson Take on a Multi-Rig

“Last Thursday I had the pleasure of handling our production team’s DVTec Multirig and, boy, was I impressed. The Association held their Boot Camp premiere at the Canon Hollywood Professional Technology and Support Center  and I had the responsibility of covering the event. I never handled a DVTec MultiRig before and was uneasy that I very well may capture three hours of useless footage.

“To my astonishment, the DVTec Multirig was easy to learn for any beginner and relieved my concerns. The MultiRig was compatible with most DSLR so propping on our Canon 5D Mark III was not a problem. I was even able to secure a juicedLink riggy micro and mic along with it. The juicedLink preamplifier offers quality recordings for anyone capturing sound with a DSLR. I could simply adjust the sound levels to limit distortions and it eliminated the hiss you would typically hear from the camera’s mic.

“Having one was essential for tonight if I needed to interview any of the participants. The rig came with an adjustable waistband for your convenience and a handy shock-absorbing stabilizer. This stabilizer equips to your waist making it painless for anyone holding the camera for prolonged hours. The combination of the three (shoulder rig, waistband, and stabilizer) produced smooth effortless footage. With a few simple lock and snaps I was ready to go in seconds!”


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