Two Big Reasons Your Company Needs to Show Up on Search Results

If you’ve been in business for any length of time recently, I don’t have to explain why it’s important to show up on the 1st page of a Google Search. But just to be on the safe side, if today’s the first day you’re considering an effective online marketing plan, let’s briefly cover two main reasons any business would want to show up front and center on the consumer’s computer screen: Referrals and Search

Many businesses rely on referrals, but today’s referrals rely on the Internet. A few years ago, some of my current clients would have told me they didn’t need a website because they got plenty of referrals. In fact, they didn’t really need any marketing at all, they were so busy. That’s changed.

Why? Possibly because few consumers are unscathed by some kind of scam. Whom should one trust? Consumers often want to validate that amazing offer they just saw on TV, and these days, probably even what their friends are recommending. And even a great salesman is probably going to get checked out on The Internet before or after an appointment. What will the prospect find? Nothing? Hopefully they find your corporate social media campaign.

If you aren’t in the room with the prospect, how are you going to sell anything?
Think of a Google Search Results Page as a room with 10 possible solutions in it to the searcher’s problem. Pretty simple math. If you’re solution number 11, you’re in a different room than the one the prospect’s in. You might as well be solution number 72.

Search is a logical approach. The consumer figures out what words make the most sense to enter in the search request box. That’s where your long tail keyword research pays off. Once he’s arrived to your page the emotional reason to stay as well as purchase hopefully kicks in. Ah, but that’s a subject for another day, called Consumer Analysis.

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