Are you marketing blindfolded?

Shopping Malls - Cathedrals of CommercialismIt’s trite to say things are changing, but they are.  The Internet is slowly edging the brick and mortar store toward extinction, although people’s desire for community still prompts them to “go to the mall and hang out”.  And the malls get more and more beautiful. I call them the Cathedrals of Commercialism.

All this leads to the quandary facing many of our clients who want a piece of the web sales revenue. They’re needing successful methods to engage the consumer and make a sale without having to pay through the nose for Pay Per Click.

Long Tail Keyword Research can help help lower your PPC bill. Not many understand Long Tail Keywords. A good example is the difference between searching for “man” to searching for “tall English-speaking single parent wanting single woman with children”.  In other words, Long Tail Keywords are expansions of the core keyword into more specific descriptions.  LTK’s are used by shoppers who are closer to making a purchase. So their searches are for “healthy organic weight control products” and not just “weight loss”.

How do you find the EXACT terms consumers are using to find you? Two sources:

1) Post-Purchase Surveys focusing on “why did you choose our product?”, and

2) Optimized Market Research™ on your target audience.

Post-Purchase Surveys harvest extremely valuable keyword phrases and give you a window into how your consumers think. Not every consumer, just your consumer.  Optimized Market Research™ does both surveys.

Also, unlike traditional market research that focuses on everybody, Optimized Market Research™ zeroes in on the 20% of your customers that produce 80% of your revenue.  The survey is not interested in grouping them into pie graphs, but in listening to what they think and say about your product.  These results are then statistically represented and translated into information that can be incorporated into your marketing mix: verbal content, each person’s emotional profile, the imagery they associate with your product or service are all collated and tabulated.  This is how OMR lets you think and talk like your audience, so you get their agreement to listen to your message.  You’re singing their tune, in other words.
Most all campaigns fail because they don’t use OMR.  In other words, a company that uses OMR is at the advantage over their competitors. An example of launching a campaign without OMR is the famous story of GM being completely out of touch with their Spanish-speaking customer when they introduced the Chevy Nova.  “No va” means “won’t go” in Spanish.

Another example – we thought we knew our customer. We’ve been in business for 24 years. Grudgingly we implemented Optimized Market Research on ourselves.  Things we considered our top priority were ranked #4 by our customers. “Obviously” our customers wanted top professionalism. They did, but the #1 response to the question “What is the most important thing about The Association?” was “They’re easy to work with.”

Knowing what your consumer is looking for is the key to marketing success. Unless you prefer marketing blindfolded, we suggest marketing with Optimized Market Research.™

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