Notes from the Manual: Histograms Part III

Understanding Histograms: Part III

Excerpt from the Canon Boot Camp Manual


What each pixel “sees” and reports.

Now we’re going to zoom into the picture below with our 15 pixel camera. We’re going to see what light value each pixel “sees” on a tiny bit of the picture. This is the value the pixel reports. These reports are grouped and built into a histogram.

Zooming in on what the pixel sees Pic 1

Zooming in on what the pixel sees Pic 2


Zooming in on what the pixel sees Pic 3

Zooming in on what the pixel see Pic 4

Zooming in on what the pixel sees Pic 5

Below is what our 15 pixel sensor sees of the picture above.

What the Pixels see

There are pixels that are mostly black and some “black/grey” to “dark grey” and one pixel that is closer to white but not white white….not 255 on the histogram.

DRAW what value each pixels on the sensor ”sees”. In other words, count the nearly black pixels and draw a column representing them. Count the “darker blacks” and draw a column of those. Count the pixels reporting “white” values and draw a column of those. Count the grey values into groups and draw a columns of those groups, i.e. milky black, black grey, dark grey, Or name your own groups and total the number of pixels in each group.

Draw your own histogram


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