What is the secret to great film lighting?

People often think great lighting is difficult. But when we look at the work of Roger Deakins, BSC, ASC, we see how a master achieves powerful effects with the simplest of lighting. Actually, Deakins “UN-lights” his scenes and this give the image greater impact.

In the Cohen Brothers’ film ‘The Man Who Wasn’t There’, you see scenes of incredible lighting impact achieved with simple set ups.  Again and again Deakins shows he totally understands great lighting, composition and an interesting subject.

Roger Deakins work on 'The Man Who Wasn't There'


We strive to emulate Deakins’ work in our  ‘Lighting Like the Masters’ cinebootcamps.  The scene below is the especially pleasing set up we discovered while trying out the Alzo PAN-L lights.  It is soft, direct and just the right intensity. We copied the master. Looks nice.

Julie at our Lighting Like the Masters cinebootcamps

We plan more ‘Lighting Like the Masters’ workshops.  Email me for the dates.




- See more at: http://blog.theassociation.tv/#sthash.pO8ZJd6I.dpuf

Filmmakers Notebook: Moontlight Bedroom: Day for Night

From: fletch@theassociation.tv
Filmmakers Notebook: Moonlight Bedroom: Day for Night

The Shot on the STORYBOARD: Shot of a woman sleeping peacefully, lit by the moonlight.
LOCATION: ‘The Orchard House’ at Palm Spring’s sensually exotic Korakia Penzione .
We couldn’t have asked for a better setting.  Nina and Jeff of the Palm Springs Photo Festival reserved the best setting for our shoot day. Jeff Dunas, the Director of the Palm Springs Photo Festival, graciously invited us to deliver the Canon Boot Camp as a workshop of the Palm Springs Photo Festival.
CHALLENGE: Our location was built in 1928 by Scottish Painter, Gordon Coutts, and there is minimal electrical wiring to run our lights.  So rather than crank up the generator and run cable everywhere we decide to put the Mark III and Mark II to the test.   Question: Are they sensitive enough to light that if we blam sunlight off a shiny board through a 2 foot by 4 foot window to bathe the actress and the room in “fake” moonlight?
WHAT HAPPENED: We were training a crew of mostly professional still photographers in how to use the 5D Mark II and Mark III.  Plus we had some pro video directors of photography wanting to up their game.  Both were eager to learn how to shoot movies with their 5Ds.  I decided to shoot two angles of the moonlight bedroom scene.  One low angle through the mosquito netting with a 70-200mm lens. (see pic A).  No problem. Looked great.
The jib arm shot was a little more worrisome. How would we hold focus up through the jib shot.  Using our pCAM app we calculated the depth of field of the shot from 20″ to six feet over the actress’ head and we saw with a 24mm lens at f 5.6 we could hold focus the whole way.  So we held focus all the way through the rise up. (see pic B).  Normally we would have put a 7D on the jib arm to get slow motion, but with the new Mark III we could shoot with at 60 fps. Shooting slomo made the shot more elegant and smoothed out any twitches in the move.
LIGHTING – The “moonlight” was a blast of sunlight coming off a shiny board outside the bedroom.  To further enhance the blue moonlight we dialed the white balance down to 2500 Kelvin.  ISO was at 1250.
A fan placed just off axis gently wafted the gauzy netting.
The shots looked great. (Pic E) Just one light source. Totally believable.  The class was very pleased and had something good to put on their reel.
Our Canon 5D Mark III was on a jib arm above the actress on the bed.  This is dangerous, by the way. Jibs are dangerous.  There is way too much weight up top. People try to scoot them over a bit and find the whole apparatus tips and crashes to the floor.  I’ve seen it happen twice. So always have two people on either end of the arm and a third person to position the tripod base. (see pic C & D) It’s best to find where the camera needs to be to get the shot and then build and position the jib to that position.  If you have to move the assembled jib, have the actress clear away. Have a calm person on either end. Shoelaces tied. A third person in the middle wrangles the tripod base and keeps it from tipping over. Move slowly. Please be careful.  Walk twice as slow as you normally do.
So, hats off to our Canon Boot Camp class and the Palm Springs Photo Festival. Our crew of Tom Myrdahl, Celine and Nancy guided our students through the setups, lighting and media management steps. Directing them was a true pleasure and we did 19 setups in their first day filming with the 5D.  We wanted them to experience production but not at the expense of learning.  So we took our time and answered all their questions as they grooved in their new-found skills. We can’t wait to see their work when they pick up experience.
In the next Filmmakers Notebook we’ll show how we lit the copper bathtub scene.

All the best,

Fletcher Murray
An Award-winning, Full Service Marketing Group
135 N. Screenland Drive
Burbank, Ca 91505
818 841-9660

Tom Myrdahl: Cinematographer Extraordinaire

Where are you from and where the heck have you been for the last 25 years?


I’m a California boy, born in Pasadena. I went to film school at Loyola Marymount and specialized initially in documentary. I made several award-winning projects in my early period, then I went to work for the UN and did projects in Asia. When I came back I formed my own production company in Hawaii, where I worked on series shows and shot documentaries that were pertinent to Hawaii at that time.

After I came back to the United States, I lucked out and got a job with Lockheed, now Lockheed Martin, and started a career that really never stopped. I’ve been with Lockheed Martin for 25 years. I’ve shot projects with the [aircrafts] SR71, 117, F22, and the F35, shooting most of their commercials in the last couple of years and specializing in their product web videos. Everything I’ve been shooting with Lockheed has been with the Mark II 5D. We’ve gotten such good results that Lockheed Martin no longer shoots anything with their agency. We do everything for them, so it’s been a really great experience. We already have over thirty projects lined up for next year.

What do you do here at The Association?

I’m a Director of Photography at The Association. I also help them put together camera packages and help them analyze creative shooting elements in a script they might have.

Favorite camera?

The favorite camera that I’ve been using right now has been the Mark II 5D, and I’m looking forward to this new C300 and other cameras that Canon will be bringing out.

Most exciting project you’ve ever done?

It’s hard to choose, really. I’ve had a good experience shooting Lockheed Martin’s aircraft carriers. I’ve had great experiences shooting the SR 71, which is the CIA aircraft that spied on Russia for 40 years. Airplanes have been a big part of my life. Also, when I was getting my M.A. at Loyola, I was very much involved in the Chicano movement in East LA and with one of the films I did, I ended up going to about eight riots. The last documentary I did for them was the Chicano Moratorium when Ruben Salizar was killed. It became sort of the pivotal event between Los Angeles and the Chicano community. I was honored to give them a twelve-minute documentary on that, which became sort of a historic piece for their movement.

What’s so great about the Canon Boot Camp?

It’s best because it teaches people the basics. They have checklists that the teachers go through with the students on how to set the camera up properly. You end up fully understanding the still camera and video settings so that you won’t end up making a mistake when you go out to shoot something.  What’s really great about this boot camp is that it not only teachers you how the camera works but it also teaches you about the pitfalls and mistakes you can make on the way. I use the 5D because it gives me the best picture, although it’s not very easy to work with. When you take this boot camp you’re going to walk away with the knowledge to use this camera properly.

For more information on The Association, our teachers, and our Canon Boot Camp, please visit our website or call 818.841.9660

Protecting Your Momma

10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day. We at The Association made a TV commercial for Norman Taylor and Associates to make sure these elder Americans, your moms and dads and our moms and dads, receive proper health care and are not abused by unethical health care providers.


Click here to see our latest anti Elder Abuse TV spot.

Too often it is easy to forget about our elders’ needs. The fact is we’ll all be old some day and we need to take action while we’re young so that abuse of elders becomes a thing of the past.

To make this point in the video we morphed from an old person to a young person restrained in her nursing home bed.  It is up to us to fight for the rights of those older Americans who fought to give us everything we needed to survive when we were defenseless babies.

If you’d like to receive the booklet “How to Recognize the Signs of Elder Abuse” call or email Norman Taylor and Associates, an experienced law firm dedicated to stopping elder abuse. Their contact info is below.

law firm website


or call Norm or John at 818 244-3905

Join us to stop Elder Abuse.

- See more at: http://blog.theassociation.tv/#sthash.pO8ZJd6I.dpuf

Kobold HMI Lights Used for 5D Shoot

Kobold Lighting gave us a chance to try out their all-weather 200 Watt and 800 Watt HMI lights. 

According to our director, Snehal Patel, the HMIs ran cool.In the picture below, Jefferson is holding the 200W light in place for a jewelry store scene.  This light was key for a number of shots where we needed balanced daylight in a small package.

The 800W was really useful as a mock helicopter light for a motorcycle chase scene.  The HMI was mounted on the front of the process trailer provided by Camera Car Industries and was swung back and forth to mimic a helicopter searchlight.  As you can see from the pic of Kavi and Ravi on the motorcycle, the 800W was powerful but had a clean look. The ballasts also performed really well.  Snehal reports, "They powered the lights with a low current draw and absolutely no noise.  The color temperature of the lights was spot-on and the construction is hardy and made for heavy production usage."

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9 Game-Losing traits that keep companies from winning

Watching football is great. And I actually had an epiphany just the other day.


If athletes took as long as businesses to detect the “REAL WHY”, to devise a handling and to implement it, they would lose every game. Let me say that again.

Let me say it another way.

If athletes took as long as businesses

to detect the reason they’re losing,

and to come up with a successful game plan

and to put that plan into action,

they’d lose every game.

After helping businesses solve their problems for 26 years, I know that most of the time people are working very, very hard for a solution.  In fact, they’re exhausted from trying to find a solution.  Some even sink into the thinking that, “Nothing really works.”
But solutions can be found and implemented.   Using football as an analogy may help us spot things lacking from a struggling business. In fact, if we removed the traits of a successful football team you might begin to spot some basic outpoints we run into when helping a business.  See if this experiment rings true for you.

Caution: you may recognise things preventing your company from winning.

football field
1. There’s no goal line. (Most employees don’t know what they do that is vital and valuable to the company.)
2. There are no yard markers. (Quantifiable metrics to monitor the success or lack of success are either non-existent or are mis-identified. Imagine a football field with no yard markers.)
3. The players aren’t on the field. (Employees trying to identify the problem often aren’t in touch with the “trenches” where the root cause lies.  They aren’t on the field. All they get are self-serving reports of others in the company. This gives them a false picture. Thus since they don’t know the real situation, what we call the REAL WHY, the solution eludes them.)
4. The players are blindfolded. (The people of the company can see the problem but they can’t see the cause. In effect, they are blindfolded).
5. The players don’t know what to do to be successful. Their plays aren’t based on a careful study of the opponent. (Often the problems have been in the company for a long time. The employees don’t know what a “win” is or how to make a win happen. They’re like a football team has no idea what to do.)
6. The players’ efforts are not coordinated.  Everyone’s blocking but their energy is dispersed and not focused, for on opening a hole for the back to run through. (Budgets are dispersed on many different solutions instead of focusing on one thing that will win.)
7. Players aren’t team oriented. (Employees don’t trust companies to take care of them. So they’re in CYA (cover your ass) mode.)
8. The front office wants to call the plays. (Upper Management has no idea what happening in the trenches. Nevertheless, they devise broad initiatives based on “good ideas” that “should” work because they worked somewhere else they used to work.)
9. There’s no coach.  The players just run around the field, showing off their talents, getting in fights with their teammates. (Can you imagine a team of the highly qualified personnel without a coach?  With everybody in a company working on their own game plan, you just need somebody to come in from the outside to organise these efforts into a winning strategy.)
CONCLUSION: If 1 through 9 is going on at your company, you might need a coach to come in and find the real why and then devise a solution based on the real why.
That’s what we do. That’s what we’ve done for hundreds of customers.  If you’d like to hear more, send me your email.
If you’d like to read some examples of solutions we’ve provided, email me, or better call me at 818 841-9660. If you don’t get through my cell is 818 606-3538.

- See more at: http://blog.theassociation.tv/#sthash.pO8ZJd6I.dpuf

NAB 2010 Report – Part 2: DSLR

Here are the coolest things I saw for DSLR production at NAB 2010.

1. 3D rigs made with Canon DSLRs.  Although no one has been able to sync the images from these cameras, which is necessary for 3D production, manufacturers of 3D rigs are counting on someone figuring out a solution to make these little cameras work for 3D.

2. An electronic viewfinder that taps into the HDMI output of the DSLR cameras which makes it real easy to get focus.  Made by a Korean company, the demo was actually functional! www.cineroid.com


3. A new focus/zoom remote based on an iPhone that is being developed by RedRock Micro.  I got a pic of world-renowned photographer Vincent Laforet holding it up for me.  www.redrockmicro.com


4. Marshall’s new portable, AA battery-powered 5 inch HDMI monitor for mounting on camera.  It was so light weight!  www.lcdracks.com I can’t wait to show it off in my upcoming Canon DSLR Boot
Camp this Saturday, the 24th from 1-6pm.  Sign up here: www.theassociation.tv/canonbootcamp


5. The WristShot from Hoodman is great for relieving the stress on your wrists and hand when you shoot.  I tried it out and was definitely impressed.  We will have Hoodman accessories like WristShot, RAW CF cards and other cool stuff at the Boot Camp.  www.hoodmanusa.com